WEBINAR SERIES "Measuring moisture content in food and supplements"

by Admin

Posted on 2022-02-02 09:22:30

Yuk ikuti Webinar Series yang diadakan oleh Meter Group dengan Tema "Measuring moisture content in food and supplements"

Webinar akan diadakan pada:

9 Februari 2022 pukul 00.00 - 00.45 WIB, GRATIS TANPA BIAYA!

Link pendaftaran: https://bit.ly/webinarmeterfebruari


> Zachary Cartwright is lead food scientist at METER Group. He helps customers achieve complete moisture analysis of their products and is an expert in the use of the Vapor Sorption Analyzer (VSA). He has a PhD in food science from Washington State University and a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from New Mexico State University.

> Conner Jeffries is a scientist in the METER Food R&D Lab. His research helps METER better understand the interactions between water molecules, food, and measurement instruments. He completed his M.S. in chemistry in 2013 while researching synthetic and materials chemistry with Thomas Bitterwolf Ph.D. He pursued doctoral research in chemistry at the University of Idaho